Every time I visit my uncle in Chicago, I have no choice but to fly into O'Hare International Airport. While O'Hare International Airport may have the title of World's Busiest Airport, it is also the worst airport ever, and in the United States.
Confusing shit. |
O'Hare International Airport is the worst airport for many reasons. The number one reason is it's layout. Now O'Hare Airport, is way too big and the terminals are spread too far apart from each other. From past experience from traveling with my mom who has had both knee's replaced, and my dad who can't walk very far without stopping, to take a breather for a moment, this airport can be a real annoyance. One of my complaints about O'Hare Airport, is that it is not friendly to people who can't walk far due to some sort of disability. Sure there are those Club Car vehicles that pick up handicapped people and take them to one terminal to another, but flagging one of them down is a real pain in the butt. One time at O'Hare, my mom tried to get one of these vehicles to take my dad to the terminal. So we waited for about approximately 15 minutes and we finally gave up on trying to get one. My dad is not in a wheelchair just to let you know. On to the length from terminal to terminal. Another problem with this airport is that you have to walk really far to get from let's say one of the three TSA Checkpoints to a terminal that is the farthest one down. You probably have to walk about 1/2 a mile to get to it. Now add two parents who can't walk real fast and you have a really bad designed airport. Then if you are arriving to this mess of an airport, getting to the baggage claim is a real pain in the neck. Why? well considering the baggage claim is like maybe a mile or so from the terminal. Add two parents who can't walk real fast and when you finally arrive at the baggage claim, your bags are the last ones off.
The next big pain in the neck of this airport is the constant renovation. Jeez if I had a Dollar for every time this airport is being renovated, I'd own the bank. One time I was at O'Hare and I needed to use the restroom. The nearest men's restroom, was like two wings of terminals away. Then you have to walk like a mile to get to the damn restroom. By the time you'd get there, you would have crapped or wet your pants already. It seems like every damn time I fly into this Airport, there is some kind of renovation.
Another reason O'Hare is the worst airport is the high chance of your flight getting delayed or canceled. One time we had to fly into this airport because my cousin died. It was around Christmas time, and we were flying back to Pennsylvania. There was snow, and first our flight got delayed, delayed again and finally canceled. Thankfully we did get a flight home that day but we were lucky to do so. Now I found from my own experience that if you have a stopover at O'Hare, your connecting flight has a high chance of getting delayed or canceled. I have another horror story about this airport, during a stopover on our way to Las Vegas, our flight was delayed for like 2 hours or something I don't really remember.
So Traveler's beware of O'Hare International Airport, the worst airport in my opinion. You've heard about my personal experiences with this hellhole, with handicap accessibility, flight delays, and the constant pain of renovations and the bad layout. The next time I go visit my uncle, I'd rather take a bus or drive.