For instance take a look at Slam Bamboo's lead singer, Scott Hanson's hair, it's like he didn't have enough money to get his fro cut all the way off, and only could afford half of a haircut. He's also wearing a bola tie. Who even wears those anymore? Cowboy's and Western folk probably do but that's not important. Not to mention his yellow satin jacket. Jeez what were they thinking back then? Not to mention that this guy has had several ups and downs in his music career, ranging from Slam Bamboo to Hanson: The Movie, to Son of Slam, to his newest venture Scott Hanson and the Champagnes. If you take a look at Trent Reznor's career, he has had success with all of his albums, won two Grammy Awards for his songs Wish and Happiness in Slavery, a Golden Globe and an Oscar for The Social Network score. This is all something that Scott Hanson will never have. I am not going to pick on the other members of Slam Bamboo.
This Blog is about Mattel WWE Action Figures, Hot Wheels Cars and random things that pop into my head
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Slam Bamboo
Back in the 1980s Trent Reznor played keyboards for a synth pop band called Slam Bamboo. Being in this band is something that I wouldn't be proud of telling about my experiences with playing with them. Slam Bamboo is indeed an 80s nightmare. Why is it an 80s nightmare? Well you see everything that was wrong with the 80s when it came to hairstyles and fashion were in Slam Bamboo, with the exception for Trent Reznor, who wore what he basically still wears to this very day. If the Fashion Police were real, every member of this band, except for Trent Reznor would be in jail for fashion crimes.
For instance take a look at Slam Bamboo's lead singer, Scott Hanson's hair, it's like he didn't have enough money to get his fro cut all the way off, and only could afford half of a haircut. He's also wearing a bola tie. Who even wears those anymore? Cowboy's and Western folk probably do but that's not important. Not to mention his yellow satin jacket. Jeez what were they thinking back then? Not to mention that this guy has had several ups and downs in his music career, ranging from Slam Bamboo to Hanson: The Movie, to Son of Slam, to his newest venture Scott Hanson and the Champagnes. If you take a look at Trent Reznor's career, he has had success with all of his albums, won two Grammy Awards for his songs Wish and Happiness in Slavery, a Golden Globe and an Oscar for The Social Network score. This is all something that Scott Hanson will never have. I am not going to pick on the other members of Slam Bamboo.
This next band has everything it takes to make it big. Doing their single now called House on Fire let's welcome Slam Bamboo. LOL! Scott Newell on AM Cleveland saying that Slam Bamboo has everything it takes to make it big. Ironically only one man in that band has everything it takes to make it big, Trent Reznor. Not only is House on Fire really cheesy, it is one of the worst songs that ever came out of the 80s. Nine Inch Nails' song Maybe Just Once, a cheesy unreleased track from the Purest Feeling demo is better than this song.
I found it hysterical when Scott Newell asked Scott Hanson how hard it was to get airplay on a record around here. Scott Hanson must have bribed local radio DJ's in Cleveland to play this horrendous song. Scott Newell asks also how hard it is being the opening act. Scott Hanson mentions Slam Bamboo had opened for The Bangles, Glass Tiger, Micheal Stanley, The Starship,Models. I believe that they only way Slam Bamboo had opened for these acts is because their original opening act crapped out on them and they got Slam Bamboo as a replacement. I don't know if that is the cause. Then Scott Newell throws in an applaud for Trent Reznor because he showed Scott Hanson's kids some synthesizers. Trent has that embarrassed look on his face when Scott Newell acknowledges him when Trent probably doesn't want to be seen with these losers.
Now we have Slam Bamboo performing White Lies from their upcoming single due out in 1988. This song is ultra cheesy and is lame like House on Fire. This song was so terrible that Trent went home that night and wrote Terrible Lie, based on how Terrible White Lie(s) was.
Finally we have a live performance of the B side to White Lies by Slam Bamboo called Cry Like a Baby. Boy oh boy is this one a dandy. I believe this song is about Scott Hanson Crying Like A Baby when Trent Reznor Becomes more Successful than Slam Bamboo will ever be. May I mention that Trent Reznor is not playing keyboards in this performance. I don't know why, but Trent was probably too embarrassed to be seen with this band in another performance.
For instance take a look at Slam Bamboo's lead singer, Scott Hanson's hair, it's like he didn't have enough money to get his fro cut all the way off, and only could afford half of a haircut. He's also wearing a bola tie. Who even wears those anymore? Cowboy's and Western folk probably do but that's not important. Not to mention his yellow satin jacket. Jeez what were they thinking back then? Not to mention that this guy has had several ups and downs in his music career, ranging from Slam Bamboo to Hanson: The Movie, to Son of Slam, to his newest venture Scott Hanson and the Champagnes. If you take a look at Trent Reznor's career, he has had success with all of his albums, won two Grammy Awards for his songs Wish and Happiness in Slavery, a Golden Globe and an Oscar for The Social Network score. This is all something that Scott Hanson will never have. I am not going to pick on the other members of Slam Bamboo.
As "The Who" asked, "Who the fuck are you?" Or to paraphrase, "Who the fuck do you think you are?" I've been around for a long time, and I've never heard of you. You have a blog about Mattel WWE Action Figures and Hot Wheels Cars? What are you, about nine or ten years old? Or is that just your mental age? You rag on Slam Bamboo about their hairstyles and fashion. Is your mommy still picking out your outfits for you? Where does (choreographed wrestling) dolls and little boy collector cars give you the belief that you have "fashion sense"? You also have about as much music sense as you have fashion sense. (Zip, zero, nada) I went to a lot of concerts in my 70 years, most of them in Cleveland. I'm not a musician, but I consider myself a connoisseur of good music. Slam Bamboo may not have been a headliner, but they were a nice band to go see and listen to. Why don't you stick to playing with your dolls and little boy cars and leave fashion sense and music appreciation to people with adult minds. I know it's been awhile since you wrote this drivel, but if you care to dispute, be my guest.