It seems like I've been on a roll here lately when it comes to posting something toy related. Yesterday I wrote about the top 5 Batman Villain figures. Today's is the exact opposite. Today's post will be focusing on Superman Figures. Now Superman rarely gets any good figures regardless if they are Hasbro/Kenner or Mattel for that matter. It's hard to narrow down the top 5 Superman action figures unless you go to other characters in the Superman family of heroes. Let's begin shall we?
Phone Booth not included. |
1. Clark to Superman from Superman Returns. This figure is the only figure from the Superman Returns line that you should need. Let's be honest, if there is a Superman line, there MUST be a Quick Change figure of some sort. This figure is different from other quick change Superman's because he has cloth clothes, and removable shoes and a different hairpiece with glasses. Sadly this is the only Mattel that makes the list.
2. Superboy. This Superboy figure is from the 1990s toyline Superman The Man of Steel from Kenner. This Superboy is one of my favorite figures that I still own. It's good to see someone else instead of Superman in the line even though Superboy is his clone.
Not The Animated one |
3. Clark Kent. This figure was a standalone exclusive figure that came with a vehicle, the Superman Conversion Coupe or Superman Matrix Coupe depending on if it is in the Animated Series Line or The Man of Steel line. I have the animated one which has a different headsculpt than the Man of Steel one has and is painted a bit differently.

4. Supergirl. Ok this figure is from the Animated Series line. In the USA it was released at first as a Diamond exclusive. Then It was released in a Toys R Us Exclusive 4-pack called Super Heroes vs Super Villains.The only difference between the figure pictured and the 4 Pack version is that the 4 pack version is missing the black waistband and sleeve bands and the accessories are a bit different with the exception of the wings are not present as the single carded version has. Now this figure was released in Europe in their waves in series 3 and 4. In fact Europe got most of the Superman TAS figures. I love this figure's headsculpt. It captures her likeness very well and for the most part is pretty accurate until you come to the skirt. Supergirl never wore a pleated skirt like that in STAS, She wore a tube skirt. In addition to minor costume accuracy she has no leg movement because her legs are molded into the skirt. I guess Kenner didn't want any peeping boys.

5. Lois Lane. I'm kinda shocked that Kenner actually made this figure. I guess their options were short on other characters when the line was dying a slow and painful death. I don't own this figure but I can tell you that It goes for big bucks loose on eBay. Lois Lane came in a Toy's R Us Exclusive 4-pack.