Back in the 1990s when Batman The Animated Series was on TV, there was another animated series that was on during the 1990s as well, It was Superman The Animated Series. Superman The Animated Series wasn't as good as it's animated Batman counterpart but It had it was still a good show and is still rewatchable. Anyway Since Batman had action figures to tie in his animated show, why not give Superman his own toyline based on his show? Well to be honest the Superman The Animated Series figures weren't as successful as the Batman figures were.
Her Animated Series Appearance |

The main problem with the Superman TAS line of figures was the lack of villain figures. The line was 97% Superman and his variant suits such as a dive suit and his space suit to ridiculous costumes that make you want to bang your head against the wall. Now where was I? Oh yes the % of figures in the line. There was about 2% villain figures and 1% other. That 1% is what I am going to review. During the show's third and final season the writers decided to introduce Supergirl to the series in a 2 part episode, Little Girl Lost which shows her origin in a nutshell and how she would prove save Superman's butt when he got captured. Anyway I guess the folks at Kenner were getting desperate for other characters to make and thought that Supergirl was a good idea. It was one of their best figures during the late 1990s. Now onto the figure.
Supergirl is one of those figures that is an underdog of sorts. It's unusual and perfect at the same time. Supergirl's only flaw is that her legs are molded into the skirt and the skirt isn't accurate. However don't let that turn you away from her. She also has a removable cape which is made of plastic, not cloth like the Quick Change Superman figure has. She stands the same height as a Jurassic Park figure made by Kenner. One of the best things about this figure is that the Boots are detailed. The boots have molded treading on the soles which is pretty cool for a Kenner figure. Usually Jurassic Park figures had molded boots with treads.
Loose | |
Her headscan gets some gripe from fans but I think it's great. Her hair is detailed to the lines of locks and even includes a hairband which shows that the folks at Kenner went all out on this figure.
The Armor |
Now the accessory is just a Neuron Star Superman suit modified for Supergirl, If you are unaware of what Neuron Star is, It's Superman's Space Suit. So the snap on armor will only fit her. She also comes with wings that fire missiles. Another flaw is with the whole armor is that this is completely inaccurate because Supergirl didn't wear the armor in the TV show.
Final Thoughts. Well Overall I give the figure a 9 out of 10. It's a very unique figure that has great detail and is different from the rest of the figures from that line. It does have a few quirks such as that god awful armor. They should have included Streaky the Kent's pet cat from the Animated Series. Streaky is also one of the Superpets who is Supergirl's pet cat but doesn't have any Superpowers in the TV Show.
Streaky |
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