I collect all types of things. Die cast cars, action figures, hats. and soundtracks. However I needed to cut back on one of my collection, my WWE figures. You see I loved to collect the Legends/Flashback figures and most importantly the Women's figures. With Mattel's horrid distribution and lack of Flashback figures, I decided that I am done collecting flashbacks. So I decided to sell off a majority of my Flashback figures. I'm still collecting the Women's figures though.
Deciding what to keep was the hardest part. So I narrowed it down to which wrestler will I keep and which ones will I sell. It was tough to decide on who stays and who will go. I eventually decided I would keep the most iconic figures, such as DM Hulk Hogan, Legends Series 5 Macho Man Randy Savage and Andre The Giant. I also decided to keep my Kane collection. I try to collect every different incarnation of his attire going back to Dr. Issac Yankem DDS. I also decided I would keep my announcers and suited figures as well.
Anyway, the reason I decided to downsize my collection is because, I haven't been getting a lot of figures like I used to. Partially is because I am losing interest in collecting. The Women's figures keep me going. They are the only ones that I am interested in. Other than that, It's time to get out of collecting. I need the money as well.