1. The fact that the 2011 American Music Awards sucked last night.
The sinking of the Titanic.
3. Autotune.
Barney the Dinosaur.
5. The death of Steve Jobs.
6. General Motor's Bankruptcy
7. The Penn State Scandal.
Joe Paterno getting fired.
The Hindenburg disaster.
Outsourced getting canceled.
TWA Flight 800.
13. Greenlighting iCarly.
14. Letting Kanye West host the 2009 MTV VMA's
15. Lady Gaga's meat dress.
16. Green Lantern being a box office bomb.
17. KB Toys going out of business.
18. Circuit City going out of business.
19. Blockbuster Video filing for bankruptcy.
20. You being late for school.
21. You being late for work.
22. The Toyota gas pedal recall.
23. The Missingno glitch on the Pokemon games.
24. Hannah Montana.
25. Charlie Sheen.
26. Kim Kardashian's 72 day marriage.
27. Giving the Kardashian's their own show.
28. Justin Bieber.
29. The Great Depression
30. The Room
31. Tommy Wiseau's strange accent.
32. Illegal immigration.
33. The Ford Pinto.
34. Maryse Ouellet getting released.
35. The economy's current condition.
35. Red Ring of Death.
36. WWE going PG.
37. Home Alone 3&4.
38. Greece's economic crisis.
39. Fred.
40. You getting fired.
41. You getting an F on your report card.
42. You dropping out of high school.
43. You're dog's death.
44. Kane losing his mask.
45. Your girlfriend dumping you.
46. Cap'n Crunch cutting the roof of your mouse.
47. Disney buying Marvel.
48. Jimmy Johnson not winning the 2011 Sprint Cup.
49. Mattel moving the Legends line to Matty Collector.
50. The Annoying Orange.
51. High Fructose Corn Syrup
52. Old People driving Buick's.
53. Old age.
54. New Coke.
55. Window's Vista.
56. The Star Wars Prequels.
57. Howard the Duck.
58. Troll 2.
59. Twilight.
60. Solyndra.
61. The spread of Communism.
62. 9/11.
63. The Enron scandal.
64. WMG muting YouTube videos.
65. Pearl Harbor.
66. Obamacare.
67. Inflation.
68. Being drafted to ECW.
69. Hurricane Katrina.
70. Gas prices.
71. The check engine light coming on in your car.
72. Hummers getting 10 MPG.
73. The Cuban Missile Crisis.
74. Annoying commercials.
75. Commercials being so loud.
76. NASCAR switching from Unocal 76 to Sunoco.
77. Crappy lifetime movies.
78. You not getting your promotion at work.
79. Jeremy Mayfield getting banned from NASCAR.
80. You getting carded at the liquor store with your fake ID.
81. Getting put on hold with a customer service representative.
82. Memorex CDs not burning right.
83. Blu-Ray DRM.
84. Your action figure collection falling over.
85. The rust on your car.
86. You getting thrown out of a bar.
87. Canceling Freakazoid!.
88. Your lousy summer vacation.
89. Homeless people.
90. The Cleveland Show not being canceled yet.
91. Canceling King of the Hill.
92. Greenlighting Allen Gregory.
93. The Critic getting canceled.
94. Locking the keys in your car.
95. Your house getting broken into.
96. Keeping America's Funniest Home Videos on the air.
97. Amish people not having electricity.
98. Cicadas.
99. The $.99 Cent Store charging you sales tax bringing your item to over $.99 cents.
100. Movie ticket prices.