More and more I see more people adopting babies from other countries and it really grinds my gears. I'm all for adoption but I find it wrong when people don't adopt domestically. More and More people are adopting babies from foreign countries than adopting babies within the USA. Why go through all that trouble just to adopt a baby from a third world country when you can adopt one right here in the good old US of A.
I just don't get the appeal of traveling out of the country going out of your way just to adopt a baby from some underdeveloped, underprivileged nation. I don't get why people do this. It must be a trendy thing to do. That's right, it's a hip trend right now to adopt a baby from some country like Somalia.
Now here's why you should adopt a baby domestically. Many babies in the United States never get adopted right away or for a few years because people will adopt internationally. Every time you adopt a baby internationally you give a baby in the USA less of a chance of finding a good loving home. My parents were foster parents for many years and seen many babies they took care of get adopted by good loving parents. Although I was only a baby myself when they were foster parents, I can only imagine the joy it was for the parents who adopted the babies my parents took care of.
Whatever happened to that concept of adopting babies from the USA? Many people still adopt domestically but those adoptions are overshadowed by the countless international adoptions that Americans do. My brother and his wife just adopted a baby and I am very proud of them for adopting a baby from the United States. I know they have a good home and my Sister in law is a great mother. They did a good thing by not adopting internationally. Just because some celebrity decides to adopt a baby from some third world country doesn't mean you have to do the same thing. If you do decide to adopt a baby, adopt domestically.
I don't understand it either... I mean it DOES seem to be a trend among celebrities to adopt kids, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was some sort of fashion statement.
ReplyDeleteIt's still sad to think that adults are using something as valuable as a human life as something to make themselves look better, though. I mean, can they even take decent care of the child? I would think the famous rich people can simply hire a nanny and then ignore raising them. It's worse than celebrity shotgun marriages.
In addition to that, I would think if a parent is going to adopt internationally, they should choose to adopt from a country that has some personal meaning, such as their birth country.
Now, there are times where it can be good, for example, I watched a documentary about disabled children, and one of the parents had a girl with down syndrome, and they decided to intentionally adopt another child from Ukraine with down syndrome so she would not be alone, and they could give this other child who was looked at as "worthless" in her country, a chance at life. The person in charge of the adoption called them stupid for choosing this disabled girl instead of the healthy kids in USA, but it's really kind of sweet as they grew up healthy and seemed to get along too.