Tuesday, February 22, 2011

You Can't Say Shit on TV But You Can Say Jesus Christ

  Last night I was watching Die Hard on SpikeTV with my mom and dad. The TV edit was being shown. One of the pet peeves that my mother and I had was that they didn't censor Jesus Christ but the censored shit. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever. If I am not mistaken Thou Shall not take the Lords name in vain is one of the 10 Commandments. In fact I am sure that it is one of the 10 commandments. Now the problem is that they network censor finds shit offensive but they don't find Jesus Christ to be offensive. I know for a fact that my mother hates it when I say Jesus Christ when I am not praying.
   Look I am not saying my mom is like the mother in Bubble Boy who is a Jesus fanatic. I am saying that if they find the word shit offensive why don't they think that Saying Jesus Christ is offensive. My defense is that they are only actors who are doing their job. Don't get me wrong I hate Censorship. I find it ridiculous that Cee Lo Green's Hit single Fuck You is changed to Forget You for the radio edit. I mean Jesus Christ is very offensive and it should be offensive to say when you are not praying.
   Then again Jesus Christ is a name. Some people say that someones name in vain is offensive and it is. Why censor shit when Jesus Christ is uncensored. In my opinion is that Church is dying and there are more and more atheists out there who mock Jesus. Don't get me wrong, I am not an Atheist, I do go to church. I just find it stupid that people do not find saying Jesus Christ in vain offensive anymore.

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