Thursday, August 4, 2011

Canadian Pennies In American Change

  I was emptying out the change in my pocket to put into my change jar, when I happened to notice that a Canadian penny was in there. I despise getting Canadian coins back when I pay for something in American Dollars. I live in America and have never been to Canada just to let you know. It bothers me that it just goes to show that cashiers in America don't give a damn about what somebody pays for their items with. I have friends who work as cashiers, and I am not bashing them in anyway shape or form. I just hate how much it shows that the cashiers don't care about their job as long as they get paid.
   If I were a cashier, I would take the time to check to see if the customer has handed me American pennies, nickels, and dimes and quarters. If they handed me a Canadian coin, I would say I'm sorry but this coin is from Canada, it is not good in the United States. Then the customer would start giving me bullshit like A penny is a penny. Or they would say this. A Canadian penny is equal to an American Penny. I would get into some kind of argument back, saying about the exchange rates between the American Dollar and the Canadian Dollar and how they are never the same. Then the customer says fine and hands me an American penny.
    Come to think of it, Canadian coins are about the same size as American coins. The Canadian is about the same size as the American Penny. The same goes for the Canadian dime, nickel and quarter. Here's the $25,000 question, Why would Canada, design their coins to be about the same size as America's coins? Is it to annoy us American's? Is it to copy America? Or is it to cause confusion? Sadly I don't know the answer to this question and if I did, I would tell you.
    Getting Canadian coins back from paying with American Dollars, is more annoying than Justin Bieber who also comes from Canada. Well Canada can keep Justin Bieber and their coins, because I don't want to see Justin Bieber in America or Canadian coins in my change. Lets put it at that. So If a cashier hands you a Canadian coin, tell them that the change they gave you isn't accurate, because the Canadian coin is not equal to the American coin.

1 comment:

  1. Here in Canada we frequently find American pennies in our change and we don't make such a fuss about it. Oh well, America is the centre of the world.
