Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Stork Parking

Storks Don't Drive.
  Did you ever go to the store looking for a place to park and you see a parking space with a sign similar to a handicapped sign? You go to pull in to the available parking space and then realize the sign says Stork Parking or Parking for Expectant Mothers etc. Come to think of it Storks don't drive, they fly. Why is there a parking space for pregnant women? To be quite honest nobody really knows why. Believe me when I am saying this, stork parking signs are one of the stupidest things ever invented. I heard about stork parking permits, where pregnant women can get a permit to park in a stork parking space, like a handicapped placard. All others who park there will be towed at their own expense.
  Stork parking is so stupid that 99% of the people don't take them seriously and park there anyway. My mom refuses to park at a stork parking space because of the fact that it is reserved for pregnant women. I tell her that nobody cares about the sign. She doesn't listen to me. It's not like she could get a parking ticket in PA for it.
  Why in the Hell does Stork Parking exist? I believe it is to help Lazy pregnant women who don't want to walk 5 miles to get to the store. Jeez its not the 1910s anymore where pregnant women were bed rest all day. Pregnant women are able to do more things and get out of the house at the same time. So in reality this sign is unnecessary in today's world. To be honest this sign is a complete joke if you ask me.
  If there is a stork parking sign, there should be a sign for invisible friend parking, or morbidly obese people parking. In Arizona there are golf cart parking spaces in parking lots. So there are so many stupid signs out there that don't make sense in the least bit. Common Sense has Left the Building and is Not Coming Back Anytime Soon.

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