Sunday, December 2, 2012

I Hate One Direction

  Let me kick off December with one of my I Hate "X" rants. I love music. But some music I cannot stand whatsoever. This time it's One Direction. I'll be abbreviating them to 1D for shorthand so I don't have to type One Direction again. Ok on to the rant.
  I hate 1D because they are another product of rigged reality singing/talent competition shows such as The X-Factor. In fact 1D pollutes the airwaves to the point that I want to hurl. Better yet shoot my radio in my car. This band gets me pissed off for many reasons. The number one reason is that they are way overplayed on the radio at ad nauseam. Every time you change the station to escape the wrath of 1D, they're on your alternate station.
  Everywhere you go you just cannot escape them. One of the many things I look forward to when I take my 15 minute break at work, is seeing if anybody had left one of those celebrity gossip magazines one one of the tables. So today there were 3 different ones. While looking through one of them I noticed that there were 2 pages dedicated to the stupid and embarrassing things that 1D has done, such as getting drunk and getting a tattoo. [Insert Facepalm Here] I am too lazy to insert the Picard Facepalm image right now. Where was I? Oh yes embarrassing things 1D has done. All I have to say the average person who buys a magazine with false info doesn't give a rats arse about 1D. They're probably way older than 1D's fanbase who are mostly tweens who dream of dating these terrible singers.
  1D is so bad that their CDs double as toys. How is that you say? Any CD doubles as a Frisbee. That's a fact. So any Terrible artist's CD is a Frisbee, whether its Xtina, Madonna, or 1D. They all can be a Frisbee if you pretend it to be one.
 One Direction Sucks!

1 comment:

  1. So Madonna is terrible but Lady Gaga, who imitates Madonna, is ok? Also are you a tween girl since you obviously listen to stations that play pop music aimed at Tweens? It baffles me how you can rail on One Direction yet like some of the music listed in your previous blogs. How is their manufactured music any worse then the other manufactured pop music you do like? I think this is more of an attack on the group as people then it is about their music. You've already shown your tastes in music, and they seem to fit right in.
