Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I Hate Morning Radio Shows

  When I get up in the morning to get to school, I have to drive 25 miles to get there. I leave the house Monday, Wednesday Friday at 8AM to be at school for 9AM. Now while I drive on the interstate, I can't drive without the radio being on. And at 8AM there is nothing on but morning talk shows. I freaking hate these morning radio talk shows to the point where I wish I could reach into my car radio, and slap the blabbermouth DJ's to shut the hell up. When you are on your morning commute, you don't want to hear someone talk, you'd rather listen to music because it calms you down in the morning. Well morning shows do just the opposite. Here's why I hate morning radio shows.
  1. It's mostly toilet humor. Ok here is reason number one. I don't care for 5th grade toilet humor, where they talk about farting noises on a soundboard. I don't care for crude jokes either. Most of the humor that they have is offensive and crude, or both at the same time.
  2. They don't care about playing music. Here is my biggest pet peeve out of them all. When I listen to the radio, I don't like to hear much talk, I listen to the radio to hear music. On morning radio shows, music takes a back seat. The annoying blabbermouth DJ's play like one song per 10-20 minutes of taking. That is just a guesstimate. Come on now. I want to hear music dammit, not some bonehead talking for ever. This is why I have no choice but to bring a CD in the car with me.
  3. Stupid contests. This one is pretty self explanatory, but I'll take the time to explain it to you. Here's a made up scenario, the radio station is giving away free tickets to go see Lady Gaga, the trick is, you have to be the (Insert random number here) caller to win the tickets. But the trick is that you have to be a member of the radio stations rewards club, and you are automatically entered into the drawing for the Lady Gaga tickets. Another stupid contest is win an ipad signed by Avril Lavigne, when you tell the radio station your my bad.  Stupid contests like this turn off listeners like me.
  4. Annoying on air personalities. Most of the morning radio talk show hosts are total airheads. I think that they should try to shut the hell up more often and play more freaking music. Most of the morning radio show hosts act like they are immature and don't act their age, but instead act their shoe size. Why don't they just shut up for a change. Another thing that jars me is that they never seem to let a joke die on it's own. Same humor different day.
  5. Every Show is exactly the same. You know the Nine Inch Nails song Everyday Is Exactly the Same? Well the title alone pretty much sums up a morning radio talk show. Everyday its the same bullshit, the same potty humor, the same annoying DJ's, minimal music, And did I forget to mention Talk Talk TALK TALK TALK TALK TALK, And lots and lots of commercials in between, and like 1% music if any is played. That is why 5AM to 10-11AM is a waste of time to listen to the radio. Listen to a CD.

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