Friday, May 27, 2011

SyFy Channel Original Movies Are Unoriginal and Bad

  Every once in a while my mom will have on the SyFy Channel and they would be showing one of their original movies. I can tell you this they are all cheesy and predictable. These movies are 99.999% bad that they are actually riffable. If you are reading this post and wondering what I mean by riffable I will tell you. Riffing is when you crack jokes at a horrible movie. If any of you are familiar with the TV show Mystery Science Theater 3000 or MST3K for short you will know what I am referring about. You probably know or have heard about Rifftrax which is basically the same thing as MST3K.
  Now if you go onto IMDB and look up one of these movies, you'll notice that they all have low user ratings. This alone just goes to show how bad these movies are. Take the movie Snakehead Terror for instance. This movie is allegedly based on actual events that took place at a lake in Northern Maryland. Now the problem with this movie is that it is unoriginal. Why is it unoriginal? Well considering that this movie is a ripoff of a couple of major blockbuster movies, such as the Jaws franchise, Lake Placid series and Piranha. Lets investigate how similar Snakehead Terror is to Jaws shall we. First off both Jaws and Snakehead terror have law enforcement officials as main characters. Jaws has a police chief and Snakehead Terror has a sheriff. Second Jaws and Snakehead Terror both deal with a town that has a tourism industry that is being threatened by a man eating monster. Third the head of the local law enforcement wants the lake and or beaches to be closed to swimming in boating and even puts up signs to prevent people from doing so. Fourthly both in Jaws and Snakehead terror, there are scenes of local fisherman going into the water to catch the beast that has done the harm. The fifth similarity is that both movies have a scientist being called in to investigate the terrorizing fish.
   One factor to these SyFy Channel movies that contributes to them being so bad is that they all have some kind of really shitty looking CGI monster. These CGI monsters look so convincingly fake that they make the Godzilla costumes look real. Another thing that I noticed about these B Movies is that a great majority of them are filmed in Canada. Why Canada? I have nothing against America's Hat here. It just seems to me that everyone of these movies are filmed there. They probably get some kind of tax break to film in Canada.
    Another thing I will mention is the horrible acting in these SyFy Channel movies. They get Z list actors and some D list ones to star in this movie. Take the movie Snakehead Terror again, Carol Alt was in it. Why does the name Carol Alt sound familiar? Oh wait Family Guy made fun of her. If it wasn't for Family Guy making fun of her being an aging supermodel, I wouldn't have known who in the hell she was.
    Finally if you are super bored and have friends around turn on the SyFy Channel and watch one of their original movies and Riff the hell out of it. I guarantee you'll have a great time and generate lots of laughs in the process. Every time my mom and I watch one I riff it at her annoyance.

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