Saturday, June 23, 2012

Jerry Sandusky Jokes

 Since Jerry Sandusky was found guilty by a jury yesterday. I thought I would post some jokes about this sick fuck from my state of PA.

Have you heard of Jerry Sandusky's new book?
It's called The In's and Out's Of Child Rearing.

What did the man on the beach say to Jerry Sandusky?
Get out of my sun.

What do you do if Jerry Sandusky is drowning?
Throw him a buoy.

How do you tell if Jerry Sandusky has company?
There's a big wheel outside his house.

What's Jerry Sandusky's favorite Canadian TV Show?
Kids In The Hall.

Why are Jerry Sandusky's pants so small?
Because they aren't his.

What does Jerry Sandusky call a circumcision?

Why did Jerry Sandusky place a phone call to Boyz To Men?
He thought it was a delivery service.

Why was Jerry Sandusky  relieved of his scout master duties?
He was up to a pack a day.

The Pope has issued a proclamation on Jerry Sandusky. If he hears anymore allegations about little boys, the Pope says he has no choice but to make him a priest.

What do Jerry Sandusky and Willie Shoemaker have in common?
They both ride 4 year old kids.

What will they call Jerry Sandusky's new TV show?
Anus and Andy

Why did Jerry Sandusky go to college?
To get his Bachelor of Arse degree.

Who is Jerry Sandusky's favorite poet?
Emily Dick-In-Son.

What is Jerry Sandusky's Alma Mater?
Bring Em Young.

What is Jerry Sandusky's Favorite Nursery Rhyme?
Little Boy Blew.

What's sex like for Jerry Sandusky?
Child's Play.

What's Jerry Sandusky's next Movie?
Honey I Blew the Kid.

What do Jerry Sandusky and school nuns have in common?
They both are a pain in the ass to kids

Touched The Jerry Sandusky Story Directed by Roman Polanski

Did you hear Jerry Sandusky met with a priest Not for spiritual advice, they went on a double date

What is Jerry Sandusky's favorite type of candy?
A Sucker.

What's Jerry Sandusky's Favorite brand of lollipops? 
Blow Pops.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Do you think you could post my two comments together its important?

  4. Jerry's life was turned around completely by these events; going from Penn State to the state pen.
