Wednesday, July 11, 2012

25 Reasons Why Troll 2 is Better Than The Artist

  Today I wasn't sure if I was going to blog today or not. So I was doing an image search of Kristen Stewart's mouth open and thought of bad movies and then I realized one of my favorites, Troll 2 is better than some overrated Oscar winning film. So here is why Troll 2 is better than The Artist.
  1. Troll 2 is an unintentional comedy.
  2. Troll 2 features horrendous acting that is laughable.
  3. Troll 2 has a unique film score.
  4. Troll 2 is has sound.
  5. Troll 2 is in widescreen not fullscreen like The Artist.
  6. Troll 2 doesn't have a cute overrated dog.
  7. Troll 2 is so bad it's good.
  8. You can riff Troll 2.
  9. Troll 2 has a cult following.
  10. Troll 2 isn't overrated.
  11. Troll 2 is in color.
  12. Troll 2 is not a modern day anachronism.
  13. Troll 2 didn't win any Academy Awards even though it should have.
  14. Troll 2 is the Best Worst Movie.
  15. You won't get bored with Troll 2 as you would get while watching The Artist.
  16. Troll 2 is a masterpiece.
  17. They're Eating Her and Then They're Going To Eat Me.... Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. You Can't Piss on Hospitality! I Won't Allow It!
  19. Troll 2 has interesting Plot twists.
  20. Troll 2 starred a dentist.
  21. Troll 2 is a better investment.
  22. Troll 2 has cheesy special effects.
  23. Goblins
  24. Nilbog Milk
  25. All of the reasons above.

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