Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Video Game Soundtacks Rant

  Do you know what really grinds my gears? It's the fact that 99.9% of the classic Sega Genesis soundtrack CD's were only sold in Japan only and only available in the USA via expensive import. I don't want to pay $50 and up for freaking CD. No way In Heck am I ever going to pay that. What really grinds my gears is that us Americans who love 16 bit era music from Sega Genesis games get left out by the Japanese by not releasing this good music in the United States. Well I think 16 bit era music was the best and beats today's music for video games by a longshot. I love the game Columns for the Sega Genesis, it had really relaxing music that isn't too distracting and keeps you focused on the puzzle game. The composer was Tokuhiko Uwabo a genius as I may add. He composed perfect music for Columns, especially the most well known piece, Clotho. The soundtrack for columns was released on CD in Japan alongside the music for Columns II The Voyage Through Time which was an Japan Exclusive arcade cabinet game featuring music by another composer.  While Columns II had shared the majority of the soundtrack, Columns on the other hand had music that was too short, especially Atropos and Lathesis which should have been extended. Now you can get this soundtrack by piracy which I don't condone whatsover, or you can download them from a video game music site which they are in .vgz files which cannot be played in Windows Media Player. Or You can spend the $50+ for the CD.
  There should be a record label that is willing to put these classic video game scores out on CD in the United States. There is a huge market for them in the USA. I'm not the only one who wants them on CD. This will stop piracy and everybody wins. Hey They can also make them available for purchase on iTunes and Amazon.com for those who prefer to download them. But I prefer a CD that way I will always have it in case something happens to my Laptop since my I need new speakers for my CD Player.

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